Lic. en Filosofia, Counselor Psicologica, Coach y Terapeuta artistica. (05/2017)
"He compartido tareas de estudio e investigacion en el ambito del Coaching con Matilde Machiavello y luego hemos compartido un proceso de coaching.
Ella tiene en su haber muchos y variados recursos terapeuticos que aplica con inteligencia en el momento adecuado, y es capaz de transmitir empatia en cada paso, y aun cuando los diablillos de uno estan al acecho tirando todo abajo, Matilde logra poner una sonrisa y ayudar a surfear el obstaculo, siendo ˇun paciente espejo para el paciente!
Gracias Matilde por tu calidez humana y tu habilidad profesional. ˇObjetivos logrados!
Un gran abrazo"
Carola Cagnoni
Graciela Marchetti, Directora Espacio Namaste Centro Formacion en PNL, Campana - Pcia. Bs. As, Argentina (03/2017)
"Matilde Machiavelo is the kind of person you love to be with. We have shared many different training experiencies and the result of all of them is simply a profound feeling of inspiration and enrichment. Her many resources as an educator, a story teller and Brain Gym® trainer flourish when she interacts with others."
Silvia Aldazabal, Educator, Healer, Buenos Aires, Argentina (03/2017)
"Matilde Machiavello is a great woman and friend with whom I did various workshops including an introduction to Brain Gym®, with easy and practical exercises which I could apply in my workplace as well as in my personal life with really wonderful and valuable results. I also took a workshop called 'Modelling the 2017' at the beginning of January already viewing and living its effects!! Thanks a million, Mati!"
Carla Hannaford, Ph.D., Biologist, Author, Educator. (03/2017)
"Matilde Machiavello is not only a great teacher, having a background in the arts and theater, but also she is extremely knowledgeable of the depth of the Kinesiology work.
As a professional translator, she can move easily between English and Spanish, presenting her workshops in an experiential, practical and highly entertaining way.
As a friend, I am truly honored to know her and share in her heartfelt wisdom. "
John Slattery, Interim Coordinator - Adult Ed. Department - SFCC (01/2017)
"During my tenure as Manager of the English as a Second Language Program, Department of Adult Education at Santa Fe Community College, I was fortunate enough to be able to hire Ms. Matilde Machiavello as an instructor and to work with her as a colleague.
Ms. Machiavello is a most dedicated, hard-working, and remarkably resourceful teacher, whose creativity is exceptional. Having had the chance to sit in on some of her classes. I was highly impressed by her enthusiasm and innovation, her mastery of the subject matter, and her warm rapport with all of her students. Her care and concern for reaching each individual and motivating all of them to engage in learning was remarkable. While I had occasion to hire a good number of instructors, I consider Ms. Machiavello to be my greatest success.
I highly recommend Ms. Machiavello to any institution or to any student who desires to employ an outstanding teacher. In my opinion, there are none better."
Daffyd Rawlings - Santa Fe Community College Coordinator - ESL program in the Adult Education Department (18/12/2016)
"I'd love to offer some words and phrases for you to use for your professional marketing. All of this comes from my observations of you as a teacher: Enthusiastic approach to learning, understanding of teaching as a dynamic and ever-evolving profession, creative problem-solver, gentle demeanor in the classroom, comprehensive and compassionate solutions to challenging situations, aptitude for finding compromise, proficiency in implementing educational programming, commitment to service, dedication to student best interests, a bias for success in her teaching style, valuable thought and consideration given to curriculum design, valuable planning considerations for classroom logistics, excellent rapport with students, incorporation of academic and neuro-linguistic research in classroom methodology, continual thought to improvement of student success and instruction efficacy, integrity in support of educational programs."
Kevin Laughlin, Ph.D. Idaho Master Naturalist & Conference Co-Chair, Garden City, Idaho. (18/12/2016)
"Matilde Machiavello was the Cultural Keynote for the Mountain Plains Adult Education Conference April 2016 in Boise, Idaho. She demonstrated creativity, flexibility and insight in delivery of her program and subsequent workshops!  Grateful for her professional and grace filled personal presence with over 200 learners." - Email: / - Mobile: 505-967-6845
Mobile: 505-967-6845